Staff will be on a rotating schedule, so please mindful of their times, noted below.
Administrative Staff Open Office Hours:
There will be at least one administrative staff member in the office each day of the week. Please see the chart below for office locations and contact information.
If you need help outside of these hours please email or call and leave a message. This will not only increase efficiency but will leave a documented trail of requests that need to be handled.
Monday: Sam Leitch
Tuesday: Darcy Richardson
Wednesday: LeeAnne Krause, April Myers
Thursday: Jane Ritchie
Friday: Michelle Brawner
On Call: Kendal Jacques, Kate Arnold
Administrative Staff Positions
Front Desk/Asst. to the AD of Technology, Space, and Community: Room C301A |
Assistant to the Director: Room 301C |
Sectioning Officer/Asst. to the AD of Curriculum: Room C301F |
Graduate Office Advisor/ Asst. to AD for Graduate Studies, Research, and Recruitment: Room 301M |
Business Manager: Room C301H |
Associate Accountant: Room C301J |
CAVE Manager: Check out equipment - |
Development Officer: Room S360 |
Communications Manager: Room S360 |
Undergraduate Academic Advisors:
Art Library: N201 Lindsey Reynolds |
Administrative Staff Open Zoom Hours:
Jane Ritchie, Graduate Art Office Coffee Talks:
- Wednesdays 1:00-2:30 - Zoom link:
- Fridays 1:00-2:30 - Zoom link:
- Email for alternate times
Darcy Richardson, Front Desk:
- Mondays 1:30-2:30, link:
- Wednesdays 1:30-2:30, link:
Sam Leitch, Sectioning Office Drop/Add Walk-In Hours:
- August 20-26 (weekdays only) 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
- Zoom link: